It was a day not long ago, when I was at the lake with the kids.
The kids and I had had a long day of swimming and playing in the sun - we were tired.
The older girls were in their room watching TV.
Alexis and Little Billy crawled in my king size bed to sleep with me.
It was dark in my room and for a while I was relaxing and unwinding - nearly dozing off - enjoying the quiet in my dark room - except for the swishing rhythm coming from the ceiling fan above our heads.
I guess it was TOO quiet for the 2 youngest On The Upside kids - because ... they suddenly broke the silence with a steady stream of chattering.
I tried to ignore them.
I hoped I'd be able to slip into unconsciousness - anyway - but ... it was NOT POSSIBLE!
I turned towards the wall.
I squished my eyes closed SHUT!
I tried NOT to listen.
They tried their hardest to include me in their conversation - asked questions - offered facts ...
I stayed quiet.
Pretended to be asleep in hopes of encouraging them to settle down - get bored and GO TO SLEEP!
At one point ... the conversation turned to --- yawning.
It was at this point ...
That the night ...
Went ...
Little Billy would y-a-w-n.
Alexis would y--a--w--n.
I would y---a---w---n ... secretly
Then ...
Little Billy would Y-A-W-N ... LOUDLY.
Alexis would Y--A--W--N ... LOUDLY.
I would Y---A---W---N ... secretly.
You know ...
You CAN NOT be around y-a-w-n-i-n-g ... and NOT Y-A-W-N!
Little Billy says - to his sister - to me - to the dark room - "I only ever y-a-w-n if someone in my family y-a-w-n-s ... someone I love, y-a-w-n-s," and he y-a-w-n-s ... AGAIN!
Alexis says, "Yeah ... me too," and she y--a--w--n--s!
Little Billy says - to Alexis - to me - to the dark room - "I hardly EVER y-a-w-n," then he y-a-w-n-s again - LOUDLY!
Alexis says, "Yeah ... me too?" y--a--w--n.
Then ...
Little Billy says to me - ME --- the one who has stayed very quiet through all of this RE-DIC-O-LUS Y---A---W---N---I---N---G jibber-jabber, "Do people y-a-w-n ... in their sleep?"
I do not answer.
I still want him to believe I am asleep.
But ...
I think ... Well - OF COURSE THEY DO! I've been lying here doin' it - FOR 20 MINUTES!
Alexis says, very excited by this question --- "OH ... I DO ... I ALWAYS Y--A--W--N in my sleep!"
Silence in the dark room for a few seconds.
The brother then says, "How would you know? You are A-s-l-e-e-p! How would you know?"
Alexis --- ever the miss-know-it-all-of-all-things --- says ... "I just know," in her uppity-girl-tone. "I do!" she gets louder and more insistent. "Don't I - Mom?"
On the upside ... Sometimes, when my kids get to talking WAY TOO MUCH about something, I will say to them, 'Now ... that's just enough talking about that!' This was one of those times ... where there was WAY TOO MUCH TALKING ABOUT Y---A---W---N---I---N---G! But ... the mom did not answer. She felt it was best to just let the youngest On The Upside kid believe what she wanted about this Y---A---W---N---I---N---G CRAP! She felt it was best to not get anymore involved than necessary ...otherwise ... Y---A---W---N ... she might NEVER get ANY ... Y---A---W---N ... SLEEP!