When Alexis was little(er), ... she used to believe that every show on TV could be rewound to watch over - because her favorite movies on VHS tapes could be rewound to be watched again and again.
It took a while to get her to understand that this was .. not so.
When Alexis was little(er) ... she used to think that anytime you needed money you should just go up to a cash machine and extract money - it was there - free - for the taking.
It took a while to get her to understand that this was ... not so.
When Alexis was little(er) ... she used to believe that dinosaurs were real and lived in the forest with the fairies and the trolls.
One day, not long ago, Alexis was near me in the kitchen.
She was sitting at the table drawing a picture while I prepared dinner.
"That's really a good picture," I said, as I walked by her on my way across the room.
She looked up at me and smiled, "Did you like art when you were a little girl?" she asked.
"I did," I answered, "I loved art."
She straightened up in her chair ...
She tilted her head ...
She said ...
"Was art your favorite class or ... did you like computer class better?"
On the upside ... When I was little ... I lived in the forest with the dinosaurs and the fairies. And ... when I went to school ... I took typing class with all the other little trolls and we learned to type on brand new Smith Corona typewriters. Occasionally, we heard rumors of giant computers that would one day take over the world, but ... we never worried about such things - out in the forest. We were too busy fixing our CORRECT-O Tape, changing out typewriter ribbons and ... chipping arrow heads with flat rocks ... in Art class.
It took a while to convince Alexis that this was indeed ... SO!