Alexis is a sweet child.
Oh ... she has her moments, but ...
She is sweet.
She often thinks of others.
She is good about compromising.
She is good about sharing.
She tries to remember every important thing you ever say.
She often wants a candy while at the grocery store and always asks for one for her brother, as well.
When I buy her a new pair of shoes - she will beg to buy a pair for her cousin.
When my mother is over around dinner time - she always begs for her to stay and eat.
When someone is wincing in pain - she is the first to run to their aid.
So ...
I was not a bit surprised when she asked, "Can I buy my new teacher some flowers?" just before heading out the door on the evening of Meet The Teacher Night at her school.
"I guess we could do that," I agree.
Then ... it began to pour the rain.
It rained buckets.
It was a sloshy mess.
"I don't think we will be able to go to the store for the flowers - in this rain," I tell her.
She gets a glum look on her face.
"Why don't we just go on to school and we will make sure to buy her some on Sunday night - that way you can take them to her on the first day of school - on Monday?" I suggest.
She seems happy with this idea.
She smiles.
We go to her school.
We enter her new classroom.
We meet her teacher.
While sitting at her new little desk - putting her supplies in her desk and writing her name on Crayon boxes and folders and rulers - she steps real close to me and she whispers ...
"I don't want to buy her flowers anymore," and she bows her head.
"Why?" I ask.
She just shakes her head, but refuses to elaborate or offer a reason.
I let it go.
On the upside ... Alexis may be a sweet girl, but ... if she thinks you iz ugly ... you ain't gettin' any flowers.
Disclaimer: I posted this story on the evening of 9/2/08 and then pulled it - as the content offended one of my readers. I am now reposting it - as this is my blog and this is a funny story.
Just for the record --- Alexis never said that her teacher was "ugly". Her teacher IS NOT ugly. As a matter of fact - she is quite attractive. Upon meeting her new teacher, Alexis was obviously a bit disenchanted and it was clear by the look on her face and then later in her words. I wrote this post the way I saw the situation. It was not meant to impress that the teacher was actually "ugly". What does a 7 year old know of "ugly", anyway. If you are not wearing a crown on your head and sparkly shoes on your feet - you might not quite fit what Alexis believes is "magical". She's 7 - I think she was looking for crowns and glittery shoes or a second grade teacher that walked on air or floated above the room. When she saw that her new teacher was different than she expected - she was no longer enthused about giving flowers. Once she gave her new teacher a chance (which I had every confidence that she would) ... she fell in love with her. She hasn't stopped talking about her. This post was meant to be a funny little story as seen through the eyes of a mother watching her 7 year old. It was not meant to be taken literally or meant to hurt anyone. If it did - I am sorry. I come from a long line of teachers and have tremendous respect for all teachers - especially those of my 4 children and even ... the ugly ones!