Fashion Models + Me

The Birthday Card That Made Me Cry

Alexis snuck past me and rummaged through the miscellaneous note cards and greeting cards I keep in the special drawer of my dresser.

"I need one of your cards, Mom - it's for someone special."

She picked out one, hid it under her shirt and scurried back out of my room.

I didn't think much about this event as Alexis often steals my cards to give to her bus driver or her teacher or some friend at school.

Alexis has a good heart and often searches for cards to give to people that she loves.

"I love you Mom and thank you for giving birth to me XXXXOOOO

Hugs & Kisses"

"Love from aka Alexis"

"For to aka Mom"

"I never want you to die"

"Mom you are the best mom I've known since I was born. Thank you for everything in my life."

I'm so lucky to have such wonderful children.

I'm so lucky that Alexis loves me.

LIFE, and more:

The Birthday Card That Made Me Cry + Me