Alexis needs to eat ... some carrots.
She likes carrots.
Alexis needs to eat ... some celery.
She'll eat celery - with peanut butter smothered all over it.
Alexis needs to eat ... some apples and oranges and grapes.
She likes all of these fruits.
The problem with Alexis is ...
There aren't many foods she doesn't like.
She likes pasta.
She likes steak.
She likes seafood and enchiladas and broccoli.
She will eat most anything.
I have got to start eating ... more carrots.
I have got to start eating ... more celery.
I have got to start eating ... more grapes and apples and oranges.
I like all of these things.
The problem with Alexis' mommy is ... there aren't many foods that she doesn't like.
I guess it's time for Alexis and her mommy to stock the fridge and stay away from the pantry!
YES --- it's time.
It's time to get serious.
It's time to push back from the table ...
Put the Oreos and Little Debbies back into the cupboard ...
Leave the ice cream and Hershey's syrup in the freezer and fridge - for Daddy.
It's time!
On the upside ... We can do it! Twenty pounds each. Well ... twenty for the mom - maybe just 10 for Alexis. But ... we can do it and ... IT'S TIME (*sigh*)!