Fashion Models [Search results for Surviving Motherhood

  • I Had Him Shaking In His Church Shoes

    I have a new post up over on my blog at mySA called I Had Him Shaking In His Church Shoes.

    I hope you have time to go over and read this story about surviving motherhood.

    Have a great day!

  • Mom It Forward

    I'm so pleased to be guest posting today over at the fabulous new site Mom It Forward. If you haven't been over to visit this wonderful site, why don't you go over today and read my post on how blogging preserves family relationships and also stick around to check it out.

    I'd also love to see you over at mySA to read the new post I have up over there: Okay ... Next Time I'll Just Drive.- a story about surviving motherhood.

    Have a great day!


  • I'd Love To See You - On The Flipside

    I'd Love To See You - On The Flipside
    On The Flipside

    I'm starting another blog - on MONDAY!

    I know - what in the world am I thinking?

    It's called On The Flipside - Where we are all great moms and fabulous women with different points of view.

    On The Flipside is a blog where moms and women (or anyone) can come together to discuss topics that come up in our everyday lives as mothers and women. Some topics might be silly and some might be serious - but ... most of the topics will likely be controversial - in that ... there is often strong flipside opinions that weigh heavy on either side.

    I will offer the topic/question by way of asking a question and offering my opinion. There will often be a survey in the On The Flipside sidebar, relating to the question of the day that I would appreciate you take. I encourage everyone to offer their supportive or flipside (opposing) opinions on the daily subjects, in that day's comments.

    On The Upside is my blog where I tell daily stories about raising my 4 children and surviving the humorous chaos of our everyday lives.

    On The Flipside will be where I (we) can discuss issues of motherhood or of being a women and offer a forum to open dialog on many issues that are not always discussed freely - on a blog that is safe and respectful of others.

    I look forward to seeing you On The Flipside and hearing your points of view!