Fashion Models + Little Billy

He's A Smart One - That Boy!

My son ... is most like his father.

He is kind.

He is patient.

He is easy-going.

He is not like me - all that much.

Every so often, I do run across something in the boy that he inherited from me.

No ...

He's not much into shoes.

And ...

No ...

He's not much of a clean freak.

He doesn't keep his toys orderly, nor does he care if there is a mess on the floor of his room.

He doesn't care much if his hair is combed - just right.

He doesn't care much about clean teeth.

One thing I have found that we do have in common is ...


Yes ...

I hide food.

I hide cookies and candy and ice cream bars ... in the very back corners of the freezer.


I have to!

I have 4 kids in this house that WANT this food!

It's a survival tactic I learned many years ago.

It is not a tactic that I taught my children.


I don't want ANY of them to know how to do this.

It is a secret.

Only I ... know the GOOD hiding places.

Only I ... know just when and how and why and what ... to hide.

Only I ...

Well ...

And ...

Little Billy!

I find food he has hidden - all the time.

I find tiny bottles of Gatorades in secret drawers.

I find candy bars shoved in the back of cabinets.

I find beef jerky sticks in his room - under his pillow.

Sometimes ... when he is unable to actually hide the food he wants for himself - he will LAY CLAIM to it:


On the upside ... I don't even use this tactic. I don't know where he learned it - but ... it is BRILLIANT! I hate to think that the boy is sneaky - conniving - smarter EVEN than his mother - but, HE IS! Why didn't I ever think about the LAYING CLAIM tactic?

Life, and more:

He's A Smart One - That Boy! + Little Billy