Fashion Models [Search results for streetstyle

  • Behind the scenes with Stil in Berlin

    Behind the scenes with Stil in Berlin

    The first batch of photos of the girl in this post was taken here.

    Now you can see where the second batch of pictures were taken. This is the angle that Benjamin chose for the final picture.

    On Sunday afternoon, I had the pleasure of meeting one of Europe's most well known Street Fashion photographers -- Benjamin from Stil in Berlin. If you haven't already checked out their site, I recommend clicking around a bit when you do. They have some really amazing pictures.

    Naturally I jumped at the chance to pick Ben's brain and being the patient gentleman that he is, Benjamin answered with aplomb and honesty:

    How has Stil in Berlin evolved differently than where you originally thought it would go back when you first started it?

    When Mary first asked me to join up with her to hit the streets of Berlin, she already had a plan of how Stil in Berlin could be. Of course having some advertisements connected to fashion was a thought, but we wanted to be the blog as clean as possible. So we just started out going into the city for an hour a week.

    But the traffic on our site grew, especially after an article on (, so we just had to put more time into the site. Because knowing that people are curious about your photos really gives you a boost and motivates you to put more time and energy into the site.
    Since then we did several interviews for online as well as print magazines, an exibhition (collaboration the Style-scouts organized by Style Scout from London. This really helped Stil in Berlin to be known and from then on people asked us the be involved in different projects. We made streetstyle videos for current-tv and we provide a major two monthly Berlin magazine with streetstyle articles.

    A couple of weeks ago we even were invited by Chanel for a trip to Paris to check out their new campaign on the Coco Mademoiselle campaign. So right now things are going very well, I never would have dreamed of how Stil in Berlin would grow, and our website is still very clean.

    When someone says "no" to having their picture taken, do you persist or do you walk away?

    Well Germans are people that normally say what's on their mind. So if someone says "no" in most cases it will not turn into a "yes". To convince them we do tell him/her that their outfit is magnificent and that it will be only a matter of a minute. But gladly not a lot of people turned us down. And if they do the main reason is that they have to be at some appointment.

    It was a pleasure meeting Benjamin and look forward to meeting the both of you in Berlin soon!

  • U.S. VOGUE's Brian Fee (Vogue Art) comments on Swedish Star Frida Gustavsson's style

    U.S. VOGUE's Brian Fee (Vogue Art) comments on Swedish Star Frida Gustavsson's style

    In London

    In Milan

    In Paris x 3

    VOGUE's Brian Fee (VOGUE Art) took a moment to comment on Frida Gustavsson's personal style from London to Milan to Paris. Many thanks Brian!

    "...she looks totally different with her hair pulled back man! But the one look, hair pulled back with jacket and trousers, I feel she comes off most 'mature'. I find sometimes when I see these girls with their hair down they seem a bit older but not Frida. Hair down is fresh and girlish but hair up do I put this, sweet but collegiate? Like she's taking a semester off from Oxford to work the runway. I dig that she sometimes pairs her personal streetstyle with doc martens, too, it's a solid foundation to a sporty look."

  • ALTAMIRA sees into the future: you saw them here FIRST

    ALTAMIRA sees into the future: you saw them here FIRST

    Dree Hemingway, December 14, 2008...before she became a media celebrity.

    Joan Smalls, back on June 3, 2009 before she became a Vogue It Girl.

    Frida Gustavsson, at London Fashion Week back on September 23, 2009, in her first runway season, before she became a street style phenomena.

    Tati Cotliar before she even finished her first runway season back at New York Fashion Week on September 25, 2009

    Mirte Maas just after finishing her first ever runway season on November 19, 2009. Before she went on to multiple shoots with Steven Meisel, the Balenciaga campaign, and a Vogue China Cover.

    Ruby Aldridge, on March 3, 2010. Before she went on to be shot by Juergen Teller for the Marc by Marc Jacobs campaign as well as by nearly every other street style blogger around.

    Lindsey Wixson on February 10, 2010, just after debuting with a Miu Miu exclusive.

    Ming Xi, during her first ever Paris Ready To Wear show on March 6, 2010, in a Paris Metro Stop. This is before her Givenchy campaign went mainstream.

    Samantha Gradoville, on July 14, 2010. She hasn't even finished a complete runway season yet. Last season she Opened and Closed PRADA, one of the most influential shows any model can walk in, let alone a new model who Opens and Closes the show. Here she is at the recent Paris Couture shows.

    The Independent, a British based newspaper recently mentioned this about altamira, "Dubbed 'Models off duty,' this blog captures the streetstyle of all kinds of fashion professionals including the industry's best-known models, often predicting soon-to-be-famous new faces."

    Not only has this site been recognized as the single most powerful concentrated resource for models street style on the internet, but over time, that reach and influence will just grow more and more.

    So stay tuned for updates during the coming fashion season.