"How long is our pool?" Little Billy asks loudly while sitting at the end of the pool with his feet dangling in the water.
Me - I'm sitting under the umbrella at the pool-side table, "I don't know - maybe 25 feet long" I say, eyeing my son.
"I'm gonna swim it," he jumps up excited. "I have to do a swim test for Boy Scouts - I've gotta get some practice," he begins to flex and swing his arms about his head - preparing to jump in. "We have to swim 75 feet," he hesitates. "Or ... 75 yards," he stops again. "Or ... 75 meters," he looks in my direction, "I think it's meters," he concludes, still looking at me - like I have the foggiest idea what he is talking about.
I smile.
He says, "So ... How many meters is it?" fully expecting me to know this answer. "How many meters is our pool?"
I look to my left ...
Nobody there.
I look to my right ...
Nobody there.
Nobody around - but me and ...
Little Billy.
Nobody around to help me with this answer.
NOPE - Not a soul.
I am on my own!
"Son ..." I begin. "Son ..." I reach up - put my hand in front of my face to block the sun from my eyes - I say, in a high pitched squeal, "I don't know about meters and such! I don't know!"
"I'll just swim back and forth 3 times - maybe it's feet," he dives in the pool.
"You do that," I chuckle.
On the upside ... "Where's a doggone Boy Scout with a ruler when you need one?" I mumble, as I watch my little son do a bit a flailing across the pool - water splashing everywhere.
I look to my left ...
I look to my right ...
Not a Boy Scout in site anywhere! Well ... except for the dark-headed one swimming laps in my pool - that is. The one that needs to STOP ASKING ME THESE MATH QUESTIONS I WILL NEVER KNOW THE ANSWERS TO!