Big Screen shot of Edward Burns' film collaboration with Tiffany & Co. "Will You Marry Me?"

Question and Answer session after film preview moderated by Karen Robinovitz

Edward Burns with fashionista.com's Mickie Meinhardt

Christina Caradona

me on the "Be Social" ipad app.
Wednesday night at the Crosby Street hotel Tiffany & Co. hosted an event with Christy Turlington's husband Edward Burns, the film director of the Sidewalks of New York. It was a celebration of Burns' directorial collaboration with Tiffany's on a short film titled, "Will You Marry Me?". The film which runs approximately 6 minutes in length and tells the True Love "Romantic and witty stories of proposal from New York City couples" can be viewed on www.whatmakeslovetrue.com. A Q&A between Burns and the audience followed.
A photo booth was set up, where party goers not only received an instant print of their picture, but with the touch of a thumbnail on an Ipad could instantly send that same photo to twitter or facebook.
In a world where people try and connect based who they think they should be instead of making room for who they really are, I found Tiffany Tip #10 "Be True To Yourself" relevant. If true love begins in Central Park, under a spring time sunset breeze with a Tiffany ring to memorialize the moment, all the better.