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I'm home.

My plane came in late last night and my husband and Courtney picked me up at 11:15 p.m. When we got home the kids were ALL awake and so I passed out gifts and we sat in the kitchen and talked to nearly 2:oo in the morning.

I think they missed me!

I have SO much to tell about the BlogHer conference and am planning on gathering my thoughts and putting together a post to wrap up my trip. I just have to say right now that I REALLY wish that all of the bloggers that I have become acquainted with over this past year - had been there for me to meet in person. I was fortunate to meet MANY of the bloggers that I have come to know and that was VERY COOL, but ... I could list 300 more of your all that weren't there that I REALLY WISH HAD BEEN!! That was, for me, the most exciting part of the whole conference - meeting people and getting to know new people.

I am EXHAUSTED and plan on spending the day catching up with my kids, my house, my husband and unpacking and such. It was a very long 4 days but I just LOVED every minute of it and am SO GLAD I WENT!!! I will post some more pictures and details of the trip soon.

I have to say - I woke this morning very tired - mentally and physically! I also woke up very happy. Content.

You have got to love a country - a WORLD - where you can be in San Francisco in a beautiful hotel in Union Square, in the morning - drinking coffee with friends ---- then down at Pier 39 looking across the bay at the Golden Gate Bridge, while sitting at a darling little restaurant eating your clam chowder and shrimp sandwich (YUM - WOW!) at noon ---- and then back in your very own kitchen sitting at the table surrounded by the children that you love the most in all the world ---- all ... in the same day.

I not only feel very grateful for this experience - I feel gratitude for my life - for the marvelous country we live in - for my sweet family. I also LOVED California (my first time there) and I LOVED San Francisco. I can't wait to go back!

I hope you all have been well while I have been out of pocket and am anxious to get back to visiting and ... BLOGGING!

Blogging, and more:

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