I had a busy day here at the BlogHer conference. In and out of very interesting and informative sessions, meeting lots of people, picking up free SWAG - FUN!
I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many other bloggers. Being so close to so many women (and men) that have so much in common - is just too much fun! I have been so lucky to meet so many fabulous people. I can't begin to list all the people I have met, as I have made A LOT of effort to "work the rooms". I told my sister today on the phone that she would not have recognized me at this conference - stepping so far out of my comfort zone - making myself get up from my seat and mingle with one group of bloggers after another. I have been very proud of myself for all the introductions I have made and feel honored to have met so many wonderful people. I SO JUST WANT to sit and let people come to me - you know - that is my nature --- but, it doesn't work like that here. There are so many people that you have to go out and meet people or you might never interact and I didn't come all the way out here to go home and not feel like I have met a ton of people.
At the cocktail party tonight - held down the street from our hotel at a nice club - I met Janet (Three & Holding), Sarah (Slouching Over 40), Jen (One Plus Two), Shannon (Rocks In My Dryer), Megan (AllMediocre.com), Amy (Amy In Ohio) - amongst bunches of other wonderful bloggers. I also had the opportunity to meet two of the writers from the TNT TV series Saving Grace and one of the actresses from The Closer as well (I can't remember their names right now - but it was very cool and they were very nice!), and also many of the TNT execs that were with them. I also met one of the Editors of Redbook Magazine and a writer for the New York Times.
It was so much fun and the food was great at the party.
Here are a few pictures from today:
I FINALLY met OHMommy (Classy Chaos). Here she is with JCK (Motherscribe). They are both fabulous women and I have loved both their blogs since I first began blogging almost 1 year ago. If you've never visited their blogs, you really should go and visit as they are two of the best writers on the web!
OHMommy (Classy Chaos) and Me - Isn't she darling! She's just as nice in person as I ever imagined she would be!
Kelly (Don Mills Diva), OHMommy (Classy Chaos) and me - I think we look very happy to be at this conference and I know I have been so happy to meet both of these women!
JCK (Motherscribe) and Slouching Mom (in the purple - can't see her in this picture) mingling at the cocktail party.
If you have ever visiting JCK's site - you know she loves her fishnet stockings! If you haven't read her stories about her fishnets, you need to go over sometime and read them - they are very funny. She looked fabulous tonight in her cocktail dress and fishnets - SMASHING!!

JCK and I at one of the sessions earlier in the day. Yes ... I have a sun dress on, as I am FROM TEXAS, but I wore a sweater all day long, as it is cold here! I took off the sweater in many of the conference rooms, as it got HOT. That sundress came in handy, except, of course, if I had to actually venture outside. It's beautiful weather here - but ... just a little chilly.
Had to show this picture of JCK because she looks so pretty and so happy. I think she is having a great time and I am too!
This is just some of the SWAG that I have received:
Look at all this stuff. Some of it I will keep and take home and some I will put in the "recycle room" they have set up. I can't believe all this stuff - the books and goodies! And ... I haven't even gotten all the things they have been giving away. I don't know how I am going to get all this stuff home - I may have to ship it.
This is a picture of the little SWAG gift bags I brought to give away. It's an On The Upside pen, tiny blue bag with KISSES candy inside and my blog business card attached. I made about 300 to give away and have about 50 left - so that tells you how busy I have been mingling and passing out cards! Alexis has to be given TREMENDOUS credit, as she helped her mommy make all these cute little gift bags and she was a fabulous helper! She would eat a candy and then stuff 2 in each bag - she would eat a candy and then stuff 2 in each bag - so CUTE! She also helped punch holes in the business cards and tie the ribbons. I have told everyone I give the gift bag about how Alexis helped me make them and they love that story! She's my sweet girl!
Since I have been here - my family has called many times to check in.
My sister wants to know how everything is going and wants me to make sure I visit San Francisco some if I can - I am going to try tomorrow and Sunday morning.
My Mom has called to check in also and to offer continuous support and advise - THANKS MOM!
Billy, my husband, calls to make sure I'm enjoying myself and update me on the kids.
Chloe called me to ask me where something was. YES --- I'm in SAN FRANCISCO and the child called me to FIND SOMETHING FOR HER! I was happy to oblige - cuz ... it is my JOB TO FIND ALL LOST THINGS - after all!
Little Billy called to say, "Hi Mom." I miss that boy!
Courtney hasn't called, but I'm sure she meant to.
Alexis called and left a message on my voice mail, "Mom, will you call me when you can - when you get this message," in a very tiny little voice - so sweet. She went on to say, "It's me - Alexis." I called her - my precious girl. I miss her!
Oh, Yes --- these are the red shoes I wore to the first cocktail party - just had to show you. They hurt like hell - but they are DARLING shoes - HA!
Hopefully I will have more pictures tomorrow.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thanks for checking in with me and being so supportive about my visit here to San Francisco and my attending this conference. I TRULY wish that you all were here so that I could meet all the bloggers I love so much!!
See you soon - Kellan