Fashion Models + Life

My Husband And His Redneck Hobbies

If you drive up my driveway and look to the right, this is what you will see:

And this:

This is my side of the driveway - the right side.

Now ... if you drive up the same driveway, and look to the left ... you will see this:

And this:

This is my husbands side of the driveway - the left side.

And ... these aren't even all of his cars. He also has a Corvette (in the garage), a van, a bucket truck, a work truck and a 1977 Lincoln that is stored in a neighbor's garage, down the street - soon to be moved to his side of the driveway.

This is my husband's hobby ---- BECOMING A REDNECK!

On the upside ... I don't think he realizes that this is a BIG OL' REDNECK MESS. That's okay - that's what he has me for --- to tell him that THIS IS A BIG OL' MESS AND IF HE DOESN'T GET SOME OF THESE CARS OUTTA HERE, I AM GOING TO START PUTTING ALL THOSE WHITE SOCKS IN THE FLOWER BEDS AS MULCH (See post: I'll Be The Talk Of The Town ... And Not In A Good Way)!!!

And Another Thing, and more:

My Husband And His Redneck Hobbies + Life