Again, I just want to give my thanks to everyone that has been thinking about and praying for my sweet little great-nephew. Your prayers are a gift to my family and I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support and love.
I am not able to visit the baby in ICU, as I am only his aunt and it won't be for a while before they let me in to see him. My sister goes daily and is able to be near him (and my nephew and the baby's mother) and has taken pictures for the rest of the family to share. My mother is also able to visit and has been several times.
For now, the baby is doing fine. The doctors and nurses seem pleased with how stable he is. There as been no traumatic events, as of yet, and that is good. He is holding his own and seems to be okay, for now. We know that this is a long road ahead and it will take time to see how strong he will grow and what affects (if any) this early birth will have on his life. We can only hope for the best.
We don't know the plan that God has for this baby's life, but what I do know is that he has already touched many lives. I know that God stays close to this child and is aware of how many love him and pray for him.
I appreciate the support and kindness we have received from so many wonderful women - so many wonderful mothers. Is there anything stronger than a group of women - really? Is there any group more driven? More compassionate? I don't think so! I think we are called to each other and when there is a need, we rally for one another and I am proud to be part of such a wonderful group of women that have rallied the way you all have around me and my family and this precious baby! I can't tell you how proud you make me and how touched I am!
I will be updating from time to time to let you all know how our sweet baby is doing. For now ... he is precious and stable and doing as well as can be expected. We thank God for this!