I want to thank everyone for all the prayers for our sweet little baby. It is a difficult time for our family and we are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers. We are just taking it one day at a time.
The baby seems to be doing okay for now. He is a fighter, but he has a long road ahead, as does his parents (my nephew and his girlfriend) and all of our families. We will do all we can do and surround this child with our love and support and pray that God stays close and keeps a merciful hand on our little boy.
Please continue to keep our baby and his parents in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for the doctors and nurses taking care of him. I truly believe in the power of prayer, as I know many of you do! It is in God's hands.
Thank you so much for your support and kindness to me and my family. Thank you for showing so much love and concern for this precious little boy!
(*Note - this precious picture is of our baby - it is his sweet little hand*)