My son - he loves a sleep-over.
He goes to his friend's houses and they come to ours.
He has several friends that he prefers and often wants to have them over.
Lately ... he has gotten to where he takes it upon himself to schedule these sleep-overs with not even one minute of discussion with me or ANY OTHER GROWN-UP!
He will choose the night.
He will pick up the phone and call his little friend.
He will schedule the time to meet.
He will outline the events to unfold (ie: movie, play games, order pizza, go miniature golfing ...).
He will not tell a soul.
His little buddies will show up at my house at exactly 5:30 p.m. on a Friday evening, with SLEEP-OVER gear slung over their shoulder in a back-pack, money in their pockets to go miniature golfing and parents waving from their cars saying, "Have a good time, Joey - see you sometime tomorrow."
And there I am ... standing in the driveway - just a wavin' back.
I swear!!
He came home from school on Monday and asked, as soon as he stepped in the front door, "Can someone spend the night, " he's out of breath from running up the stairs, "On Friday?" (*pant-pant*)
This time he asked.
I got on him for scheduling these sleep-overs without asking.
Lots could happen between Monday and Friday.
I could be dead by then - not that that would matter - he'd still have those boys over and they'd just go right on playing XBox even if they had to step over my dead body to get to it.
On the upside ... I want to have sleep-overs with my friends. I want to go to the movies and play games and go play golf on miniature courses (well, not really - I hate miniature golf). I want a mom that will just let any ol' kid straggle in here and sleep on the floor of my room. I want his slumber-party life!