I make the rounds.
I wash the last of the nightly dishes in the sink.
I wipe off the kitchen counter.
I let the cat out the back door - flip on the outside porch light - flip off the kitchen light and head upstairs.
I stop by the bathroom in the hallway and clean up the water splattered on the counter and mirror - put away toothbrushes and paste and flip off the light.
In the hallway, I lower the thermostat to a cool 73 degrees.
I turn back slowly and kick the door to my son's room open gently with my foot.
And then ... I see him.
He's lying perfectly still on top of his comforter.
His arms are criss-crossed across his chest - like a dead person in a coffin.
His eyes are closed.
He's wearing his jeans.
He's wearing a red t-shirt.
He's wearing his high-top Converse sneakers. The one's that are black, but are embossed on the sides with flashy designs of orange and yellow flames.
The light from the hallway shines into his little-boy-room and I can see those sneakers - those flames - clearly.
I walk over to his bed.
I nudge him.
He stays very still.
I say, "Little Billy," and I nudge him again.
Still - no movement.
I shake him harder, "Why didn't you change your clothes?" he stirs a bit. "Why aren't you in your pajamas?" he uncrosses his arms and opens his eyes - suspiciously more awake than a "dead" - truly, sleeping person would be. "Why do you still have on your shoes?" I tug on the closest Converse.
The boy flings his skinny arms above his head and rolls onto his side. He stretches, he arches his back - he mumbles ... "Because --- I didn't want to have to ... tie them again ... tomorrow," he pulls a pillow over his head.
The warden walks away.
She turns off the lights behind her and ... shuffles on down the corridor.
On the upside ... I am like a prison warden. I make the nightly rounds and then check in on the inmates - make sure all is good in A.L.C.A.T.R.A.Z. Some inmates are happy to follow the rules - do the normal things. But ... there are often rebels - trying to make their own rules - trying to come up with ways to stay a step ahead of everyone else. Some that skip showers and tooth brushing - wear their clothes over and over again and put their shoes on - before - they go to bed - lacing them up perfectly - so they are READY TO GO - back out to the yard - the next day. They are good for a laugh - these rebel inmates. (*hear off in the distance prison doors slam shut - lights off - warden slips into the shadows and heads off to bed*)