Alexis often has a favorite word that she uses over and over. For a while it was the word apparentely.
Lately, it's not just a word, but a phrase - she uses it many times throughout the day.
Her favorite phrase lately is - I'm guessing ...
"I'm guessing ... it's time for lunch," she will say.
We were together recently, out by the pool. We were taking a break and sitting at the table - just talking.
She got to talking about God.
"I believe in God ... and Jesus - both," she says.
"Good - I do too."
"Do you believe in the devil?" she asks.
"Yes, I do," I answer and take a sip of my iced tea.
"Why?" she is curious.
"Because ... it's in the Bible and I just believe there is a God and I also believe there is a devil," I say, looking across the table at my sweet girl.
She gets thoughtful and says," I don't want to believe in the devil."
I say, "God tells us there is a devil," and leave it at that.
She then decides ... okay ... she believes in the devil.
"What about Heaven?" she asks.
"Yes, I believe in Heaven."
She does too.
"Will you go to Heaven?" she wants to know.
"I think I will," I tell her.
She pauses a minute, looks directly into my eyes and then she says, "I'm guessing ... I will go to Heaven too."
On the upside ... I am guessing ... little girl ... you are definitely going to Heaven ... as you have GOT TO BE one of God's favorite little children!