Fashion Models + Surviving My Life

I Am A Magnet For The Re-dic-ulous!!!

Came out of the nail place, bright pink nails shimmering gloriously in the sunshine :)

Guy (scraggly beard, baggy jeans, young, but weather-beaten looking fella) strolls up to me from out of nowhere.

I immediately clasp my car key between my fingers - I will stab him if necessary (ack!)

"Hey doll," he says (tee hee...), "where you goin' so fast?"

Me: *grumpy face - walking briskly in my high heels - *clickety clack, clickety clack*

"Come on, girl. Give me your number." (he grew irritated fast - was probably the CRACK)

Me: SURE thang ... just let me DIG a pen out of my purse!!

I am ... a freaking magnet for the ri-dic-o-lous!!!


LIFE, and more:

I Am A Magnet For The Re-dic-ulous!!! + Surviving My Life