Alexis and I were spending the afternoon out by the pool.
It got to be around lunch time and so Alexis asked me if I'd go make her some lunch - bring it out by the pool and we'd have a picnic.
As I am walking inside, she yells, happily, "Make me anything - I don't care what you make me - I'll eat anything!" she was so excited.
So ... I made lunch.
I brought it outside on a tray - my tuna sandwich and her plate full of food - some drinks.
"Whatcha make me?" she asked, pulling her dripping body out of the pool - big ol' smile on her face.
"A peanut butter sandwich, chips and a fruit cup," I placed the tray on the pool side table.
She became quiet.
Her face got all wrinkled and puckered.
She whined - really loudly ...
"Awwwwwwwwwww ----- I don't want peanut butter! ---*whimper - pout - scowl - slumps the shoulders - flings wet 6 year old body dramatically into a nearby chair*.
Me - I placed my paper towel on my lap - picked up my tuna fish sandwich and took a bite.
On the upside ... LET THE PICNIC BEGIN - WOO HOO! (*Mom's face gets all wrinkled and puckered - sighs loudly ... like a mom that seldom does anything right*)