Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
It has been a labor of love ...
as well as ...
Fulfilled every redneck fantasy my cute cowboy husband has ever had ...
It started out looking pretty pitiful ...
Pretty darn hopeless ...
Downright awful - sitting very "redneck-like" on the driveway by my house.
It (obviously) was a fixer-upper ...
Requiring a lot of work ...
And searching the land far and wide for missing parts.
It needed some serious body work ...
Pieces of this monster hung from tree limbs to be inspected, banged on and painted.
And then there was more painting.
And more painting ...
All while continuing to search the land far and wide (okay - the internet) for an extensive list of missing parts.
And then one day ...
It started to look like a pretty nice car ...
It was coming together with its shiny new paint job and sparkling new chrome.
Until one day recently ...
Almost two years into this Mustang project ...
The announcement finally came ...
So, the car was a gift to our twin daughter's, Courtney and Chloe, for their 17th Birthday.
They only recently drove it to school (once their dad got the A/C put in it).
A football player stopped the girls in the parking lot. "Who's car is that?" he asked, envy in his eyes.
"It's mine," Courtney answered shyly.
"You've gotta be shi**in' me!" he exclaimed.
"Nope - it's ours." Chloe smiled proudly.
"What kind of engine's in it?" the burly football player asked, his eyes wide and curious.
*blink blink*
"I dunno. Loud." Courtney answered quietly.
The moral of this conversation is: Football players that would know the size engine in this 1969 Mustang are probably more deserving of such a sweet car than twin girls that are more interested in a functioning A/C and loud speakers.
The only problem with the completion of this two-year project is ...
Now ... my cute, redneck husband is searching the land (and the internet) far and wide for a new piece of junk car to restore for the boy child.