Little Billy is very close to his dad.
Being the only boy - I imagine this adds to the strong bond they have created.
My husband has 4 brothers - he's the middle of 5 boys. He's accustomed to boys. Little Billy seems to be the same kind of boy my husband and his brothers were - they are all cut from the same denim cloth.
It's a pleasure to see that Little Billy and his father are so much alike, as it lends itself to Little Billy wanting to hang out with his dad - they do lots of things together.
One of the things I never imagined ... was the day my son would go to work with his father.
My husband owns his own business - an electrical contracting business. And, while he has to do a lot of work in his office - he puts on his tools and goes out into the world to work every single day. It is not an easy life. It is a hard job.
My husband has come to where he will wake his son early in the mornings - in the summers - and take the boy with him to work.
My son goes happily.
I am always so proud to see that my son is not in his bed - that he has gone to work with Daddy.
He's only 11 years old - but, not too young to start learning his Daddy's trade.
I want the boy to go to college - as does his father - but, we are beginning to realize that this son will likely take over his father's business one day. This is not something we ever planned, but realize that it would be a blessing for the father and a blessing for the son.
One day recently, when Little Billy had gone to work with his dad, I asked him to tell me what kind of work he had done that day.
He said, "I put in light bulbs and stuff," not going into too much detail.
"Is that all? What else?" I insisted that he elaborate.
We were in the car at the time of this questioning and I kept looking at him in the rear view mirror to see his face. He was looking out the window and he said, "I had to go get drinks - over at the hospital. Dad gave me $1.00 and some change and said go get some sodas - so I did."
I didn't like to think of my husband sending this small boy off to go get sodas - but I let that go and just kept on listening.
"I went to the machines - counted my money and realized I didn't have enough money - I was short a quarter. So, I went into the restaurant - that little one inside the hospital - you know?" he waited for me to respond. He went on, "I went up and asked the lady how much the soda's were and she said $1.50 and I said, 'Oh, okay,' and started to leave and she asked me how much I had and I told her I only had $1.25 and she said, 'That's okay,' and she gave it to me anyways," he smiled real big.
"She just gave it to you?" I was surprised.
"Yeah," he said, and I could see his sweet smile in my rear view mirror. "I got that charm - you know?" and he turned and gazed back out the window.
Yes - Little Boy - I know!
On the upside ... Like I said - He and his Dad are cut from the same irresistible cloth. Both hard workers, and ... they've both got that charm - you know!