I sometimes call Alexis - Betty Boop.
Sometimes I call her - Tweety Bird.
On occasion ... I call her Miss Muffet.
I've always called her - My Tiny Girl.
I call her My Tiny Girl, because she is my baby and she is my youngest girl.
She is, however, not really ... a tiny girl.
There are girls that are tiny - you know - fragile and petite.
She is not one of those girls.
She is short - as most 6 year old girls are.
She is the smallest girl in the house.
But ...
she is not so tiny.
And ... because she is not so tiny, I have tried to make efforts - over time - to keep Alexis away from the sweets - you know - the Little Debbies, the bags of tiny Oreo cookies, the left-over Halloween candy I have stashed in a drawer.
For the most part ... she does well.
She is not allowed to drink sodas, unless it is a special occasion - this has helped.
She is only allowed to snack - if she asks for permission.
I offer apples and oranges and carrots, and she takes them happily.
This has all worked rather smoothly - keeping Alexis away from the sweets.
That is ...
Unless ...
She sneaks, ever so quietly, to the side of my bed - on a Saturday morning - nudges me until my eyes slightly squint open - and then she asks, "Can I have some ice cream?" in the quietest little tiny mouse voice - and ... her mother, who is more in a dream state than awake, and is not at all certain if it is, in fact, a dream or not, answers ...
"Sure," and then rolls over, snuggles her fluffy down pillow and falls back to sleep.

On the upside ... I've caught her doing this twice. Remembered the "dream" when I finally woke up - asked her about it - found out it WAS NOT a dream and that she had in fact had a bowl of vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on it - for breakfast. I don't know how many bowls she has actually had - over the years - but I did tell her to, "STOP DOING THAT! IT'S NOT FAIR TO AMBUSH ME WHEN I AM ASLEEP." She's pretty darn smart and sneaky - My Tiny Girl.