It is a morning when my twins are at basketball practice.
Alexis and I are home alone, as Little Billy had gone to work on this day with his Daddy.
I am in a rush, as I have to go pick the girls up at their school and I scream down the stairs, "Alexis - you have to come and get ready to go. I'm going to pull out your clothes and you need to come and get dressed."
She heard what I said and yelled back, "I'll pick out something - I want to pick it out," and she came running up the stairs as fast as she could run - so as to catch me before I picked out her clothes.
I stopped looking in her closet and turned to leave her room. I turned back and said, "Okay - but don't pick out anything WEIRD - just pick out some pants and a shirt."
As I was walking down the hallway I heard her say, "What do you mean 'Anything weird?'" in her little diva voice, like how-dare-I-insinuate-that-she-has-no-taste!
I just smiled.
On the upside ... She did okay picking out her outfit on this one day. But ... for future reference ... anything weird includes:
- Capri pants or shorts ... when it is 40 degrees outside.
- Flip-flops ... when it is 40 degrees outside.
- The brown sequined jacket - that should really not be worn ANYWHERE!
- Your white patent-leather Sunday shoes with anything other than your Sunday dresses.
- Your black patent-leather Sunday shoes with anything other than your Sunday dresses.
- Your leopard print gymnastics leotard with any sort of tutu.
- Your black cowboy boots with anything other than blue jeans.
- Any Princess dress from your dress-up trunk.
- Any pajama bottoms that sort-of look like pants.
- Blue or red or pink or purple bandannas wrapped around your head or waist or wrists or ankles...
Do I need to go on ...