I was up in my bathroom today, sitting at my mirror and putting on make-up.
My twin daughters wandered in with a friend of theirs - one seated herself on the sink counter, the other two lounged on the edge of the bathtub.
We got to chatting about this and that and our conversation eventually turned to where we were openly discussing and sorta dissecting the ever-interesting topic of sex.
There were moments of laughter - moments of disgusted groaning noises from my daughters - moments of mild embarrassment, I am sure.
One of my daughters turned to her friend at one point and said, "Does your family do this - sit around talking about this stuff - talk about sex so openly?"
When I was a young girl - long before I ever considered being a mother or how many children I might have in my life - I was sort of a hippie girl - knee-torn bell-bottoms, moccasins, long hair, a free spirit.
If I could talk to that young girl now - tell her one thing she would do in her life that would make her very proud, it would be --- "Always be a free spirit - never let go of who you truly are, as ... it will be one of the things that will bridge a strong relationship between you and your precious children."
I haven't always been happy with everyone I have been in my life but ... I am so glad I was that hippie girl :)