My niece spends a lot of time at our house.
On this one night, she was sleeping over with Alexis (because they don't see enough of each other already).
The two of them were running up and down the hallway making way too much racket and I finally thought to suggest that they put in a movie and go SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE AND WATCH THE THING!!
So ... they agreed.
Before they actually settled down to watch the movie, Alexis emerges into the hallway again, opens the door to my room and says, "Can we go get a quick snack before we start it?"
I shake my head and say, "I guess so."
As they skipped off towards the kitchen, I saw Alexis turn to her cousin, smile sweetly and say, "That way ... we won't starve." (*skip, skip, skip, skip, skip ...*)
So they won't starve - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
On the upside ... Aren't they the cutest things? Alexis could probably live 25 days on the reserves she has stored in her chubby tummy alone, and if my niece could get to those reserves - they could both live at least 12 1/2 days each. But ... if getting a quick snack would encourage them to SETTLE DOWN AND WATCH A MOVIE, then - go for it - get a snack - I wouldn't want anyone to starve, for goodness sake. (*Do ya want me to make ya a BA-ritto?*)