Hosted by Cecily and Mama Geek
My son walked by me in the kitchen recently and he commented casually,"It's fun being smart."
I knew what he was referring to, as earlier that day he had presented me with a handful of graded papers he had brought home from school and also his report card for the past 6 weeks -- all of which reflected how smart he is and grades that represented his accomplishments.
I said, "It sure makes life easier -- being smart," and I giggled. "But ... do you know what I believe?"
He waited for my answer.
"I believe it's not just that you are smart -- lots of kids are really smart -- I believe that you are so successful because you are applying yourself and you should be commended for that."
He went on to ask me to explain what "applying himself" and "commended" meant. I guess even smart kids need help now and then with vocabulary (tee hee).
I explained to him that I was very proud of his good grades, but I was most proud of how he took his classes seriously enough to listen and learn and apply his skills towards being successful in his school work. The dedication and commitment are what I view as the true success.
This is not an easy thing to teach -- this teaching a child to care about setting goals, dedicating time and energy to meeting those goals and then to feel proud of their accomplishments enough that it inspires them to continue the positive cycle. It's something I have been trying to instill in all of my children, but have never completely understood if those lessons I have taught, examples I have tried to set or expectations I define, will do the trick.
I was proud on this day, to see the light in my son's eyes. The light that indicated to me that he was proud of himself. That indicated that he got it. That indicated that the lessons I had been trying to teach were getting through and making a difference in his life.
You know the lessons --
- You reap what you sew
- Hard work pays off
- What goes around comes around
- You create your own path in life
- Life is choices
You know.
I am proud of my son and ... I am also proud of myself. I've waited to see this light in his eyes and hear these words from his mouth for a long time now. It tells me that I have done something right and it gives me confidence that he will succeed in the world.
He is only eleven years old, but ... I know he is creating a strong foundation for himself. And ... because I believe that it is far more difficult to ignite the light than it will ever be to snuff the light out ... that gives me tremendous hope.