After the game, I returned home, changed into my PJ's and climbed up on my bed to relax and watch a little TV.
About an hour into my leisurely break, my peace and quiet was abruptly disrupted when ... 2 very loud teenage girls - 2 basketball playin', game winning, girls - returned home, excitedly from their game.
They ran up the stairs like two elephants (*clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp*) and I could hear them in the hallway, beyond my closed door, racing and pushing each other, trying to get to my room before the other. They threw open my door, flung their sweaty, jersey covered bodies onto my nice clean bed and began to talk - real fast - over each other's words - about all the stuff that happened during this very exciting game ... the same game I just came from, mind you. But ... I listened.
Then ... as the excitement was winding down and the conversation hit a lull, they both stood up and were standing next to each other beside my bed - fixing to leave my room. Suddenly, Courtney looks at Chloe, very seriously and says, "Does your uvula ... ever get stuck?" Then she starts to make these exaggerated kak-kak-kaking noises (*hairball sound*) and points to her throat.
Chloe starts to laugh and says, "Y-eah," she bends at the waist and slaps her hand on her knee because her sister is so funny.
"It gets stuck (*kak-kak-kaking noise again*)," Courtney goes on and on and her sister is now also making the noise and they are laughing like crazy hyenas.
I am confused.
I am not sure what a uvula is, but I am pretty sure that it is ... a female b.o.d.y p.a.r.t and I am too embarrassed to ask and too a.f.r.a.i.d to ask.
They must have seen the confusion on my face, because Courtney then says, "That punching bag thing in the back of your throat, " and continues to giggle and kak-kak, "Sometimes I have to reach my tongue back there to un-stick it," she demonstrates what this technique looks like (it was not a pretty sight).

On the upside ..., n. pl. -las, lae - the fleshy, conical body projecting downward from the soft palate. --- still sounds like something dirty to me. Uvula, uvula, uvula - now I know what it is and I will never use this word again, as it makes me uncomfortable - I will use punching bag thingy - that makes more sense anyways.
(Note to self: Never, ever, ever, ever, ever ... Google uvula again!! It will gross you out!)