Fashion Models + Surviving My Life

I Am Too Sexy For These Shoes

I go to Marshalls.

I go to the shoe section of the store.

I see a pair of shoes I like. I pick them up, look at the price, hold them out in front of me and turn them in different directions so as to make sure I love these shoes. I then put them on my feet, walk around in them a bit, look at them in the shoe mirror (turning my foot around in cock-eyed directions, so as to see this shoe from every angle). And then ... I put these shoes back in their box, place them happily into my cart, pay the lady and take them home.

I am happy with my new shoes.

That was ... until I wore the shoes.

These are not ugly shoes. These are not crazy shoes. These are not uncomfortable shoes. There is nothing really wrong with these shoes except that when I put them on with my blue slacks, red sweater and white jacket and then gathered my purse and walked out to my car ... I could not help but notice, with each step I took ... polka-dot, polka-dot, polka-dot, polka-dot. And I said that in my head, each time my foot would move forward into my view ... polka-dot, polka-dot, polka-dot (*sigh*).

When I got to my car, I looked down at my feet and they were still there ... those polka-dotted shoes - just screaming POLKA-DOT, POLKA-DOT, POLKA-DOT...

I did not love these shoes.

Look at them. They are perfectly fine shoes, but they scream "LOOK AT ME - I'M A PAIR OF POLKA-DOTTED SHOES!"

I wore them anyway, as I was running very late (for a dentist appointment - see post titled "I'm Livin' On The Edge"), but I was not happy.

I have worn polka-dotted things many times in my life. I've always been fine with polka-dots. This day, however, at the age of 46 ... I became acutely aware ... that you can not wear polka-dots without looking at the thing with the polka-dots on it ... and think the words POLKA-DOT. Am I right?

And that's what happened to me all day, until I got home and took off those polka-dotted shoes. Everytime I looked at the shoes or imagined that people in the waiting room of the dentist office or in the parking lot or while shopping at Big Lots, were looking at the shoes ... I heard the words POLKA-DOT - "Look at me, I am a pair of POLKA-DOTTED shoes". It was not good.

Okay ... and then ... as I am driving away from Big Lots (oooh, I love Big Lots - they had lots of new stuff too, case anyone cares), I'm just driving along and I see this church. On the sign out in front of the church where they put their announcements or service times, there was a message: Polka Dancing Tonight at 7:00 p.m. - I SWEAR! POLKA dancing!

It was some sort of crazy omen. Is that was polka-dotted shoes are meant for - polka dancing??

I am just too sexy for these shoes.

On the upside ... I have them in every color (red & white polka-dots and black & white polka-dots and green & white polka-dots ...*sigh like a very old woman*).

note: All my Google ads have polka-dotted stuff in them - that is just too cute!

Life, and more:

I Am Too Sexy For These Shoes + Surviving My Life