Both of my twins are pretty good artists. They have both been taking art for years, are in advanced art now in high school and love it. This piece of doodle art was done by Twin "A" recently. She drew it to slip in the front of one of her binders:

Now ... don't get all worried about her - that it looks like she's lost her boyfriend or something ("She's not the one", "He is the one", "It's over" ...) - because these are just words from a song. What's cool about this picture is that these are all tiny words from the song - inside the hand and all in the background. Very tiny words - all the words of the song!
I love these drawings she does (she does them all the time, using words as the background or shadow)! I don't know how she writes this tiny or when she finds the time to do all this - but I love them. I love her too!
Maybe if I started writing her notes with this tiny writing, she'd find me interesting and start doing some of the things I need her to do. I could just leave her little notes taped on her door:
"Please make your bed, Sweetie. Do all your homework.
Don't forget to pick your clothes up off the floor.
Make sure you feed the dogs. Love ya, Mom."
Do ya think that would work?
On the upside ... this is certainly a talent and I have to give her that. Maybe she'll continue to perfect this art and one day be famous and rich and I can move in with her. That'd be cool!