Berta Zubrickaiteskirt -- self designed/made, fabric from Shanghai

Ieva Gurklyteshorts -- Primarkshirt -- Only

Dainora Salaviejute blazer -- Bershkapants -- Morganboots -- Marco Polo

Mall Casting for the Vilinius Fashion Festival otherwise known as Fashion Infection

Alina Lu shows her number to the designers.
So I'm doing a short Baltic State Tour which included a 3 day stopover in Vilnius, Lithuania during the Vilnius Fashion Festival Castings, which were held at a local mall.
These types of mall castings are very interesting, because this is one way a lot of models are discovered--whether here in Eastern Europe or even in Saint Louis Missouri. Julija Step for instance had no intent of being a model, but someone convinced her to attend a mall casting while she was there after school and look what happened to her career. In this case, there were over 400 contestants all vying for a slot in the coming Vilinus Fashion Festival/Fashion Infection shows.
Will one be the next Edita? Stay tuned for pictures from Riga coming soon.