Every so often, there is a moment when I will see something or hear something that will make me think ... There it is! That is what life is all about.
This feeling can come over me at anytime. I never know when it will happen.
The other day, I walked out into our garage.
It is a filthy garage, most of the time, and not a place I look forward to visiting - for any reason. I try to avoid going out there if I can.
On this day, I was simply walking out into the garage to let the dogs out. They had been put in there to sleep, from the night before.
I opened the door from the house and stepped through it.
I walked over to the garage door that leads to the front yard - to let the dogs out.
I watched for just a moment.
Our dog, Buddy (a 6 year old Golden Retriever) went bouncing out the door. Our little dog, Barbie (a 3 year old Pomeranian) followed after him.
Buddy, his tail wagging so furiously that it moved his entire body, went out the door with such excitement and energy that it instantly infected Barbie. She quickly was drawn into his enthusiasm and began to jump on him and they immediately started to play.
Buddy's joy was infectious and for a moment ... when he looked back in my direction, trying to decide if he wanted to go forward into the yard to play or rather, come back over to me for a pat on the head - during this moment ...
I saw it!
I felt it!
It was simple and yet it was overwhelmingly powerful.
It was lovely.
It was Joy and it was being experienced by these two dogs. They were feeling Joy and even in their eyes I could see the pleasure of the experience. Almost as if they could smile.
I was given a glimpse - through these animals - through this one simple moment in my life ... that this is what it is all about.
Capturing and appreciating Joy!
Recognizing it.
Creating it.
Experiencing it.
Sharing it.
It was just a weird little moment.
But I saw it!
I felt it!
And ... It made me smile.