Sometimes ... I have days all to myself.
More often than not ... all the kids are around, and I can't get a moments peace.
And then some days ... I have only one kid or two kids ...
On this one day - it was just Alexis and I. The boy was with his father at work and the twins were at basketball practice.
Alexis strolled into the kitchen, climbed up on a bar stool and said, "Can we go out to eat tonight?" and gave a big smile.
"Oh, I don't know," I answered - truly believing the answer to this question was NO, but not wanting to (hear the SCREAMING just yet - HA!) discourage her hopes too quickly. "Daddy is not going to be home for a while and the girls are at practice," I continued washing the dishes in the sink.
Alexis whined a bit and then said, "Can you take just us?" she paused, "Your ... littlest daughter and Mom," she giggled sweetly.
How would I resist such a proposition? I said, "Maybe we will."
She got all excited and I guess she felt the need to offer something that she was sure might seal the deal and so she said, "I'll let you use my make-up."
On the upside ... Oh - I have been known to use bribery many, many times throughout the years of raising these children. I think this one was definitely trying to turn the tables.
We went - the littlest daughter and her mom - to Wendys. The mom wore a t-shirt, shorts and sandals and ... Strawberry Shortcake Shimmery Pink Lip Gloss on her happy lips. The back of her t-shirt read ... SUCKER!