Fashion Models + TIME

A time for mourning

Years ago my mother and father met each other at a General Mills party in Guatemala City. My dad didn't have
the courage to go up to my mom at the time and had a friend approach her for him. 9 months later they got
married and enjoyed 30+ years of marital fidelity and harmony together. Their relationship was literally a vintage
masterpiece of marriage, one that would make our forefathers from the 18th Century proud.

Last night my mother became suddenly ill. My dad cradled up to mother until the sun rose the next morning at which
point he could no longer stay awake. He fell asleep accidentally.

30 minutes later he discovered that my mother had fallen asleep too, only this time it was permanent. At least it was painless.

May she rest in peace.

I'll be back with updates starting again on Monday, August 4th. Until then I'll be in Guatemala spending time with my family.

LIFE, and more:

A time for mourning + TIME