We are starting to have that talk with Little Billy.
You know.
The talk.
The ... sex talk.
He asks questions.
We try to answer.
He hasn't asked all that many - but, a few.
It's a lot of fun.
When he was still in school, earlier in the spring, all the boys and girls saw the film.
You know.
The film.
The ... sex film.
When Little Billy got home from school, I asked, "So ... how'd it go?" referring to the film.
He knew what I was talking about and got a little giggly. He shuffled his feet. He looked at the ground. He said, "All I know," he shuffles some more, "Is ... I saw some things I wish I didn't see," he laughs.
"What do you mean?" I was very curious.
He blushes.
He sputters.
He finally says, "Just some talk about Va-J-J's," and then he runs out of the room.
On the upside ... I yell after him, "Do you want to talk about it?" He yells back, "Nope." I let it alone. Honestly - I didn't want to talk about it either. Sometimes, when he asks about that stuff - I tell him to go watch Animal Planet and call me if he has any questions (tee hee). I learned that "redneck" tactic from the boy's daddy.