Fashion Models + Surviving My Life

I Hear The Talk ...

Oh ... I hear what people are saying (*tee hee*).

And, what I don't hear ... I can only imagine.

How could she possibly have the time to do all the things she is supposed to be doing and also ... BLOG as much as she does?

I've heard the talk.

Do you see this table:

I made this table.

Not anytime recently, but I did make it.

I made it about 2 years ago when we finished the renovation of our kitchen.

I used to make a lot of furniture.

I would design it and build it (circular saws, sanders, cordless screw drivers, screws, sandpaper, paint ...) - I did it all myself.

I designed and built A LOT of furniture.

It was a hobby.

It was how I decorated a lot of our house.

I used to sell some of it - for a while - in an antique mall.

I did it for about 3 years.

I didn't really have time to make this furniture, but I enjoyed doing it - so I made the time.

I had 4 kids, a house, a yard, a business, many animals and a husband to take care of ... and, I still made this furniture.

It's what I do.

I find stuff to do.

I have to fill every single second of my life.

I don't know why.

I don't make furniture much anymore.

Now ... I BLOG!

Blogging is my creative outlet - just like making the furniture was. If I wasn't blogging all the time - I would find something just as time-consuming and rewarding and creative to fill my time - I would!

(I'm going to do a post soon, and show you some of the furniture I designed and made, as I have had a few people ask.)

By the way ... Yesterday - I mowed the grass (the whole acre), cleaned the pool, took my daughter to the orthodontist, visited a friend in the hospital, went to the grocery store, made a bunch of phone calls, got my nails done and took care of 6 kids. I also did a bunch of laundry and a bit of house cleaning. Oh, yes - and I took Alexis and Little Billy to the movies.


I just felt the need to make it clear that I do love to BLOG and I do contribute a lot of time to it, but ... I take the rest of my life very seriously and continue to care for my children and husband and take care of all the rest of the stuff in my life - as well.

I just try to find the time to do it ALL- because - it is ALL important to me.

Life, and more:

I Hear The Talk ... + Surviving My Life