When I wrote yesterday's post, it was right after I had had my interview on WOAI (San Antonio Living) and right after I'd seen Dooce on Good Morning America and Nightline.
I have to say - I was a bit aggravated after seeing Dooce on Good Morning America. I just wanted to wring Kathy Lee Gifford's neck for being so stupid and uninformed. I don't think I am alone in my perception of this interview - that it did little to help people further understand blogging or to shine a good light on why we blog. I thought that Dooce held her own, but I was also a bit aggravated that she did not jump out there and put Kathy Lee Gifford in her place. I would have loved to have heard Dooce a bit more aggressive about her position (while I understand why she did not).
I did, however, love the Nightline interview - it was FABULOUS!
So many people left some really great comments on my post yesterday, I thought I would highlight some quotes from each of those comments. Who better to describe the positive aspects of blogging than a bunch of seasoned bloggers!
Mamarazzi said: "Blogging has made my life brighter and better ... just from the people who touch my life and allow me to touch theirs." She also said, "and FINALLY I did not feel so alone anymore."
Joanna said: "Reading what other's go through - their ups and downs, helped pull me out of depression. I don't click too well with other people, but in bloggy world I find my peeps."
Karen said, "We share about everything, support and encourage each other and laugh and cry together. Those that don't understand just don't know what they're missing."
Angela said: "I do love blogging. It isn't easy finding friends in this world of ours. Plus, I love talking about my son."
rthling said: "One of the greatest things about blogging is meeting people I would not have otherwise met. Blogging helps us find common ground and reminds us we are not crazy for loving our kids so fiercely. And to top it off, we have an outlet for pent-up creativity."
Denise Wheeler said: "I love bragging about my kiddos." She also said, "I have made some incredible friends in my blog world."
Dani said: "When I started blogging, I had NO idea the joy that I would derive from it." She also said, "I was really just writing for the fun of it and so the my words would be somewhere for my daughter and maybe someday for my grandchild/children to read."
Bichonpawz said: "I love the new relationships and friendships I have formed through blogging."
Yvette said: "I think it helps me to have a stronger focus on my family and the things we do in our daily lives, because I'm always looking for the story. I have also met some amazing blogging friends." She went on to say, "We are an amazing group of women!"
Kelli said: "I just might consider printing this post and handing it out to those c"clueless people".
Are You Serious said: "I'm fine with being a mommy blogger."
Elaine A. said: "I started blogging just to keep family and friends up to date on the comings and goings of our family and now it has become SO much more for me. I had no idea what a wonderful community it is and now I do."
Leeann said: "I vent, I cry, I whine, I cheer, I smile, I laugh, I brag ... all through words and pictures. I am leaving a legacy for my children. The day to day things that would get pushed out of my memory ... I have forever written down. To me - that is priceless."
Mighty Morphin Mama said: "I have to say that the family of women that I have found here, the women supporting and uplifting one another has been the biggest and most wonderful surprise about blogging for me."
Karen Meg said: "It helped keep my mind from going to mush, and a big, big bonus was "meeting" wonderful women like you, on the web." She also said, "But their (our children) stories are also our stories, and I'd like to one day be able to show these kids that my blog is a love story about them, and to them. And my husband too, whether he really likes it or not. But mostly to myself, because right now in my life, it is something that I enjoy. And moms, women, are allowed that in their life too."
Kim-d said: "My life has been enriched by blogging in ways too numerous to mention." She also said, "I cherish my blogging friends, and I feel that back from them. That's why I do it. It makes me a better, happier person."
Dawn said: "I do think that Mommy Bloggers are a community with a great deal of power ... precisely because we support each other."
Suz said: "This for me is just an outlet to remember all the little things in my life that I will forget one day unless I write them down."
Tabitha said: "I never dreamed when I started blogging that I would love it so much!! I have made so many great blogging friends, and am more than happy to be a mommy blogger!!"
Julie said: "I am so happy that I have so much of the kids' lives documented, which is the main reason for blogging."
Jenn @ Juggling Life (http://jugglinglife.typepad.com/) said: "I believe someday our kids will be so happy to have these anecdote's available to share with their children."
Kari & Kijsa said: "We are moms, and bloggers too! Yea for both."
Amanda said: "No matter where you are in the world, it's nice to read that other people (mums) are going through the same things as me. Mommy bloggers rule!"
Bonnie said: "I can tell you this, I am glad to be a part of it. It is validating, rewarding, satisfying and I LOVE it. I really feel it has helped me to be a better person. I have been pretty sick this past week. Knowing I am going to write about it on my blog later helps me to be more positive about the whole experience. The support from other people is so bouying and sustaining."
Kaci said: "I tried it a while back, but then deleted my account. But, after reading Leah's blog, I said I'll give it another shot. I love it ... and hope to never stop."
Jen said: "Look out world because here come the mommy bloggers!" She also said, "I feel honored to have met such a great group of women."
Sharon said: "I have found friends that I love dearly and may never meet until we step into the other side of eternity." She also wrote, "I am proud to be called a mommy blogger."
Carl & Kathy said: "It's a way to keep in touch." She went on to say, "I've met fellow bloggers like you and I've been enriched. And I've enjoyed the creative outlet and the comments that people make. It's an all around positive experience."
Rima said: "I agree with all your points."
Melanie said: Blogging has been amazing for me. I was so lonely, staying home all day every day by myself before I started to blog. I've made some great friends, people I really consider to be my friends and I am a proud mommy blogger!
Rosemary Bogdan said: I was in a bookstore when I passed a book called, "Blogging for Dummies." I picked it up thinking, what is blogging anyway. I bought the book and read the whole thing. My older children were very amused. Are you going to start a blog, Mom? I said, maybe. I thought this would be good for me. I could learn more about computers and also practice my writing. After I finished the book I told my oldest I still had no idea what they were talking about and that I was going to read it again and see if I could glean more. He said, "Mom, don't do that. Just start your blog. You'll learn as you go along." And I did. (Although I still have a LOT to learn.)I love being a mommy blogger although I do also write on topics sometimes...Love your blog.
Nicki said: I think its awesome that blogging allows parents to tell their stories, brag about their ideas, vent their frustrations, and exchange information with others. It definitely makes the world a smaller, and more friendly, place!
So ... there you go. There are some of the reasons people (mommies) - blog.
I think Karen Meg said it best when she described one of the reasons why mommy bloggers blog. She said, "I'd like to one day be able to show these kids that my blog is a love story about them, and to them."
Me too, Karen Meg - Me too!!!