Stunning! This is the accomplished multi-media artist Andrea from Copious Amounts Press .

This is Wendy Brandes, high end jewelry designer for her own brand Wendy Brandes .

Jessica, art director and author of Ropa Vieja .

Patricia, wardrobe stylist and author of Bobble Bee

This is Doshka, contributing writer to Starpulse.com .
Saturday's meeting at Soho Park pulled off quite well. A total of 12 people showed up, which is a good number considering the last minute at which the invitations were sent out. Gala Darling and myself were the first to show up at around 4:45 and Bobble Bee , Bobble's friend, Ninaki Priddy (finalist in Gen Art) and myself were the last to leave at around 8:30.
It was nice to put a face to the name and reveal the real personality behind the online persona. Everyone was really friendly. The group basically broke off into smaller sub-groups of conversations where everything from jewelery, to professional blogging, to another blogger meeting was discussed.
Thanks to everyone who came!