During a trip to Wal-Mart recently, my mother came along.
It was her and I and Alexis and Little Billy.
We made our way through the store, finding Birthday gifts - finding shoes for Alexis - finding cleaning supplies - finding some food.
After a while, the group of us ended up in the ladies clothing department - me with my buggy looking at t-shirts and my mother with hers near the swim wear.
I was not so far away that I missed this conversation.
My mother - talking to herself - talking to me - talking to who? - I'm not sure - she says, "A bikini. I'd like to wear a bikini again one day - before I die."
I look over and I smile (*she's obviously delusional - been on Jenny Craig for a couple of months - thinks she's taken off 30 years, I guess - along with those 30 lbs. - tee hee*)
My son, sitting on the ground - waiting for this ladies-department-browsing-to-come-to-an-end-soon - hears this bizarre comment made by his 70 year old grandmother.
I look over and notice him glance up at her and say, "Whhaa-t?"
My mother repeats this nonsense and laughs.
My son giggles almost uncontrollably and says, "I think you need to forget that idea," hoping his grandmother takes his advise seriously.
I look over at my mother - my 70 year old mother - and she has a look on her face like she is seriously insulted.
Then, my son says, "I think that would scar me for life," and he puts his face in his hands and rubs his eyes, like he's trying to rub the image off of the back side of his eyelids.
I look over at my mother and smile (*she's obviously delusional - been on Jenny Craig for a couple of months - thinks she's taken off 30 years, I guess - along with those 30 lbs - tee hee*).
On the upside ... She was serious. I know her well enough to know that - she was serious. I will do everything I can, to try to talk her out of such a mistake - but, I likely will not be successful. I can only hope that when it happens that Little Billy is not around - it could very possibly ... scar him for life. Me too - for that matter (tee hee)!