Fashion Models + TIME

I Wonder If It's Raining In The Big Easy?

It's raining in my area of Texas this weekend and I am H.A.P.P.Y! I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend in the house - maybe writing or watching movies with my girls.

My poor husband had to go camping in the rain with Little Billy for Boy Scouts. When he was kissing me goodbye, I whined, "I don't want you to go." And then when I stepped back, he said, pitifully, "Look at my face." It was the face that said, "I don't want to go either." But ... he went. Hope they stay dry.

Last night, my older girls and I watched The Big Easy. Have you ever seen The Big Easy with Dennis Quaid (so young and so good looking!!) and Ellen Barkin? This is one of my all time favorite movies, set in New Orleans, and has a love scene in it *fans face with quivering hand* that is ranked as one of the greatest love scenes of all time and I have to agree! I considered it one of the greatest before I'd ever heard it was ranked up there. I hadn't watched the movie in several years and I'm thinking about watching it over again sometime this weekend.

Anyway - enough of Dennis Quaid. I hope you have a great weekend and if you have time, come over and see me at mySA - I have a few new posts up that you might enjoy.


Life, and more:

I Wonder If It's Raining In The Big Easy? + TIME