When I was pregnant with my twins, I wasn't aware until they were delivered that they were both girls and identical.

After delivering both of the girls, my doctor held up their umbilical cords and promptly announced, "When these girls get to be 18, you need to take them to Vegas because these are two lucky girls." Not only had the twins tied their umbilical cord in a knot, but upon further inspection the doctor noticed that one of the cords had torn away from the placenta and was hanging on by only blood vessels.

Courtney and Chloe are mono-amniotic twins. These are the rarest type of identical twins. Unlike most identical twins, they shared the same amniotic sac and the same placenta in the womb. This is a very dangerous twin-type and as so results in a high mortality rate for one or both twins. We were very lucky that our twins were delivered safely and healthy at 36 weeks.
They were born on Good Friday - 17 years ago.

When we first brought them home they weighed about 5 lbs. each and slept in the same crib for months. I always faced them toward each other in their crib as I imagined if they couldn't see the other they might get lonely.

I always dressed them alike up until they got to the age (10 or 11) where they refused to let me do it anymore. When they were babies, I always had them wear shoes and socks - even if we stayed home all day (which was most days). I just couldn't resist dressing them up. They were my sweet little doll-babies.

I find it very hard to believe that 17 years has passed.
In some ways it is sad to look back on all those years - but in so many more ways it brings me tremendous happiness.
It has been a JOY having these girls in my life.
I knew from the very first moment I found out I was pregnant with them that they were and would remain one of the greatest blessings of my life.
And ...
They are.
I love them more than I have words to describe and I am so very proud of them.
May your life always be filled with as much happiness as you have brought to mine.