I'd had a pretty busy day.
It was a hard day of cleaning house, sorting through paper-work, cleaning out the refrigerator - you know - a hard day.
I took a shower about 3:00 in the afternoon. If I hadn't had to go out, I wouldn't have done much with my hair, but I knew I was going to have to go pick Little Billy up at school at 4:00, so ... I blew dry my hair with a round brush and pulled some of it up on the top of my head with a barrette. Let's just say ... it was straight and clean and smooth looking, but ... it was not my usual style (curled up - poofed out - sprayed with tons of hairspray). Nor, was it necessarily attractive.
I didn't care.
It was clean.
So, the afternoon wore on. Into the evening, my twins arrive home from school after softball practice.
My husband and the twins have stopped by Sonic to pick up dinner for the family and Chloe brings my bag of food and my drink up to my room and sits it on my desk.
She looks at my hair.
She says -- "Your hair's different."
I laugh - from the look on her face. I say, "Yes it is."
She says, "I'm not sure I like it," squinting her eyes. "Sort of makes you look old," and she then has the nerve to sit on the edge of my bed.
I stop laughing.
"What do you mean - old?" I whimper.
"Like an old lady - you know - old."
I stand up and walk over to the mirror above my dresser to see my hair.
She stands up and turns to walk out of my room. She looks back and says, "That's okay ---- if that's the look you're going for," and she's gone.
Yep - I'm going for ... the old lady look!
On the upside ... I am left alone in my room, looking at my old-lady hair-do in the mirror. I reach up and take the barrette out, run my fingers through my smooth tresses - fluff it a bit - walk into the bathroom and spray it with a TON of hairspray. I look back into the mirror. "That's better," I say out loud. "Nothing a little hairspray can't fix," and ... it was totally better. It must have been that barrette. I threw that STUPID gold barrette back in the drawer and went back to my desk to enjoy my delicious chili-cheese fries and peach iced-tea. Okay ... I know - old ladies probably love peach tea - but ... there aren't many I know that order chili-cheese fries (I could be wrong about this.)