Fashion Models + LIFE

By The Grace Of God

When he was born ...

He came early.

Earlier even than seemed possible for survival.

He was tiny ...

He was fragile ...

He was precious ...

We worried.

We kept vigil day and night.

But ...We worried.

And ...

We prayed ...

We prayed ...

We all prayed ...

Dear God ...

Please ... have mercy on our sweet baby.

Please ... watch over him and shed your love and grace upon him.

Please ... make everything alright.

And he grew stronger ...

And he grew healthier ...

And ...

God answered our prayers .

He left the hospital ...

And continued to do well ...

God has plans for this special boy ...

I'm sure of it.

Brazelton is my nephew Cody's son - he's my great-nephew. Today is is his ...

1 Year Birthday

Happy Birthday Sweet Braz

We are all so lucky to have you in our lives


braz, and more:

By The Grace Of God + LIFE