Fashion Models + Life

Boy Oh Boy!

I am so thankful for so many nice thoughts and prayers from so many wonderful friends - thank you very much!!

I am still in the hospital - tomorrow it will be a week I have been here. Today is the first day that I have felt well. I have double phenomena and was septic (I don't know how to spell that). My blood pressure was critically low and is now finally under control. I still have various problems, but am on the road to recovery and just taking it one day at a time.

This illness came on so suddenly and has been far more dehabilitating and painful than anything I have ever experienced. I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends for taking such good care of me and my family. And so lucky to have Billy to pick up the slack with the children and to also take care of me as well.

I am doing well - I miss blogging and I miss you all. I will not be back to visiting sites for a while, but wanted to touch base to say thank for your kind comments and let you know that I can't wait to get back to posting and visiting all of you soon.

I hope everyone has been well in my absense and that you all had a good Easter. I will see you soon.

Kellan, and more:

Boy Oh Boy! + Life