I was in the bathroom.
I was sitting at my vanity in my underwear, putting in my contacts, curling my hair and putting on my make-up.
I was there for a bit, not totally enjoying the view of my semi-naked figure in the mirror, but just had to divert my eyes so I could get the business done - I had to be at Alexis' school in 30 minutes.
I finished my primping, put away my curling iron, hairspray and make-up and stood up.
This is when the real horror hit me.
It wasn't the view in the mirror in front of me - while that is always quite shocking - especially early in the morning - it was ... when I looked down at my legs.
I have had these legs for a lot of years.
I have relied on these legs. I have depended on these legs. I have shown much respect for these legs ... for many, many years.
It's like - I am the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company (*my life*) and when I have a job that needs to be done and I search out the most valuable person on the team, the most dependable, the most experienced - the best - and then I choose you (*my legs*) to do that job ... it's like that! They are my go-to-guys - I always choose them first. I've been very partial and ... very partial.
They still do the job - they walk me where I need to go - that's good.
They still fill the pants okay - I have lots of pants and they are doing a great job there.
They don't complain that they don't get shaved as often as they did in my youth - that's a plus.
They still hang onto my feet and stay attached to my aging hips - that's a relief.
But ...
Not on my chest, so much. Not on my arms, so much. Not anywhere, so much ... but on the upper parts of my legs - just above my knees - DROOPY SKIN - like the hyde is sliding ... or something.
I could not stand there in my bathroom, bent at the waist, staring at this pitiful sight any longer - I had to get to my daughter's school. All I could do was shake my head in disappointment.
On the upside ... Someone obviously came into my Fortune 500 Company and strutted off with my once beautiful, youthful looking legs and left me with DROOPY replacements. I'm not happy that Personnel failed to notify me of this change - but, as long as these old-lady legs continue to get my DROOPY BUTT to all the places I need to go - I guess I'll have to appreciate them - but ..... I. Am. Not. Happy. About. It!