She takes a deep breath.
She puts her tongue to the back of her teeth.
She opens her mouth.
She says ... "It's warm. It's warm back here, now. Did you turn on the heat? I love those pretzel things. I'm so hungry. And thirsty. I can't find my other shoe. Are we going to Dollar General? If I'm real good, can I get something? If I'm real good, starting right now, not starting when we left the house, but starting right now, then can I get something? La la la ..la la la la...la la la lu lulu la. I'm hungry. La,la la la la. We're not going to Dollar General. This is the way home. I thought we were going? Why did you say we were going? I wanted to get me something. Have you seen my other shoe?"
Me ... in the front seat ... just listening, not saying a word. She never stopped long enough for me to say a word.
I was impressed.
She covered a variety of topics.
She might as well have been all alone, as she didn't need a soul there to carry on this discussion.
On the upside ... I think she's in training. Boys don't do this jibber-jabber that girls do - at least my son has never done it. She's in training for the real world - when she grows up. I couldn't be more proud ... she's coming along splendidly.