We went to eat at a little pizza place near our house.
I was sitting at a large table with my family and some friends. Alexis and my niece were sharing a small table near ours - just having a good ol' time eating their pizza and talking.
A while into our lunch, me very content and enjoying my pizza and grown-up conversation, the two little girls came over and stood beside my chair and my niece says, "Me and Alexis have lots of stuff in common," and she smiles.
I look down into their sweet little faces and say, "Is that right? Like what? What do you have in common?"
She then says, looking down at her clothes, "We both have jeans on. We both have a pink shirt on. We both have flip flops on. We both are eating pizza. We both have our hair in ponytails. We both have ice in our drinks," and she goes on and on - for about another 5 or 6 more things they have in common.
I smile and say, "Yep, that's a bunch of stuff you two have in common," and I turn my attention back to the conversation going on at my table and figure they have gone on their way.
But then I hear, "And we are both missing our front teeth, and we both are in 1st grade, and we are both in the same class ..."
I turn slowly to see the two of them still standing by my chair. (*Aunt Kellan's brain begins to turn to mush while she tries very hard to keep her eyes from rolling back into her head*).
"O-Kay," I say, in a tone that she knows well to mean "That is enough of that".
And she then sighs and says, "And ... we both live in houses, we are both six years old, we both eat food, we ..." and I stand up from my seat, put my hand on their identical little backs and guide them gently back to their little table - AWAY FROM WHERE I AM SEATED!
On the upside ... Yep, yep, yep ... just like two little jabber-mouthed peas in a pod. She'd have gone on forever - FOREVER - if I'd have let her! What do they think I am - a SOUNDING BOARD FOR EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT THAT POPS INTO THEIR BUSY LITTLE BRAINS?