*Throws head back and laughs*
Okay ... I'm already a bit hard to live with.
But ...
It's likely going to get worse.
Because ...
I am writing again!
I know - I've been writing here On The Upside and over there On The Flipside and even more on mySA ... but, it's not the writing I speak of?
I do love all of this writing.
It is fun!
It does take a lot of thought and words and sentences and paragraphs and grammar and punctuation marks!
I have invested so much time and effort into blogging - I love to write and it has given me a place to stretch my creativity and explore lots of different ways to write about motherhood - about my kids - about my family.
But ...
It is not the sort of writing I did before I started blogging. It is non-fiction and it is non-fiction story-telling. I have loved it and would never give it up, but ...
I am writing again!
Another novel.
Yes - I have written several novels. None of which are good enough to publish, but I have been inspired and so ...
I am writing again!
If I had invested all the time and energy and words I have invested in writing and publishing all of my blog posts - I suppose I could have written at least 2 novels by now. Not that I would trade that time and energy spent blogging - in creating and taking care of my blogs - I wouldn't. But ... I think I have it in me - a novel. A really good novel. So ...
I am writing again!
I know ... this is awfully presumptuous of me - me thinking I could ever possibly write a novel. Well ... I've written several (3 to be exact) novels - so I know I can do it. Now ... all I have to do is write one worth publishing. That's my goal. Right here, in the middle of my life, when I have more on my plate than any human being could possibly manage realistically and successfully ...
I am writing AGAIN!
So, you might ask, where did all this sudden burst of energy come from? Why now? What has triggered this sudden urge to write again? Well ...
I read a blog post on one of my favorite blogs recently that inspired me in such a way that after I read it I went straight to my desk, sat down, started organizing my thoughts over several days and, well ... I am into Chapter 2 and ...
I have not written anything (aside from blog posts) in over a year. I haven't had the time, really, nor the desire. I guess it is because blogging has given me so much satisfaction and the writing has been so fun and productive that I haven't had time to think about fiction or consider taking the time to write anything.
My family will continue to come first ...
I will do my best to keep up with all of my responsibilities ...
I will continue to write and keep up with my blogs (and ENJOY it) ...
I am completely certain that I am going to be hard to live with ... because ...
From the blog post that so inspired me, "There will be a last time. Nothing lasts. Each and every time is propped against the last time. The present is made of all gone things."
Black Hockey Jesus (the writer of the wonderful post: Last) inspired me with not only his writing, but his words. He writes brilliantly (go on - go over to his blog, The Wind In Your Vagina, and read some of his great stories) and so often, when I read a great post that someone has written (and I've read hundreds that are truly great!) - like this one he wrote - I am inspired. And this post - this writer - just happened to trigger that thing in me that said - You need to write - get on with it - before it is too late.
Wish me luck?
Wish my family luck!
I am going to be hard to live with ...