Everyday - there is something to do.
On this day, I had spent several hours at the grocery store, attended to my multitude of morning household duties, taken the dog to the groomer and picked her up, gone by the post office and was on my way home from taking my daughter, Chloe, to her orthodontist appointment.
I was tired.
I call home.
I need to forward instructions to my son - TO DO HIS HOMEWORK - before I get home - OR ELSE!
I think I have called the wrong house because the child on the other end of the phone says, "YO!" like a hip-hop chick.
I say, "Who is this?"
She then says, "YO, Mama, I be Alexis," and she giggles.
I say, "What are you doing?" trying to keep from giggling myself.
She says, "We be playing in my room. We be coloring."
I say, "Where is Granna?" And she hangs up the phone.
On the upside ... I called back. She answered again and I said, "YO, HOME-GIRL! GO GET YOUR GRANDMOTHER!" and she did.