People often confuse Courtney and Chloe - as they are identical twins.

I have seldom confused the two - as I have come to see the differences in their personalities, their posture, the way they walk or carry themselves, their voices, their laughs and their facial expressions.

Every so often, I will, for a moment, be unable to determine which is which if the one I am looking at is sitting very still and not making any expression with her face or moving her body or hands. Or if they are asleep. When they are still - they even look the same to me.
In pictures, when they were babies especially, many people are unable to tell them apart and this is even true of their father and close family members. Some pictures that I failed to make note on the backside - I too, can not sometimes tell. The girls, to this day, are not able to tell who is who in most photos - even current photos. If they are able to tell, it is usually by looking at the clothes or the location the picture is taken - not by actually looking at their own faces.
This is a little crazy - right?

Most of their friends are able to tell them apart - all of their close friends have no problem. Most little children figure it out rather quickly. When Little Billy was small, he had difficulty telling them apart and so he just called them The Courtneys.

Over Christmas, Courtney was telling the story of a little boy that told her recently, "I can tell you two apart, because you are the one with the man voice and the fat head."

On the upside ... that's sometimes how I tell them apart too (tee hee).
(*note: Courtney has a raspy, deeper voice - than Chloe. She has nodules on her vocal cords that - through therapy of no-talking for periods at a time - would get better or deteriorate. She will always have a deeper - raspy voice, as she would never be able to not-talk for any length of time. This is another way I tell them apart - Courtney talks ALL THE TIME. And ... she was born with a rounder head and Chloe a more oval shaped head - hence the "fat head" reference*)